Publishing: “Sculpting in Time” by Andrei Tarkovsky

Perhaps the superlative “greatest” pertains to no other director’s name more naturally than to that of Andrei Tarkovsky; however, so far almost nothing of his work has been translate in Macedonian language.
The Philosophical Society of Macedonia (FDM), in collaboration with the Philosophical Film Festival (PFF), intends to change that later this year, when it releases the Macedonian translation of Tarkovsky’s aesthetic magnum opus, “Sculpting in Time”.
Unfortunately, the funds that were given to us for this purpose from the national budget—through the Competition for the Support of Culture in the Field of Publishing by the Ministry of Culture — are too modest and do not even remotely correspond to the needs for such an undertaking. Hence, this subscription action.
By purchasing a copy of the Macedonian translation of “Sculpting in Time”, during the preparation of the edition at a price of 600 denars, you will not get anything special except a copy of the book after a few months and the short-lived satisfaction of having participated in its creation. We will get something more: an opportunity to more appropriately thank the project participants for their efforts.
We owe, in the name of honesty, the following note: regardless of the success of this action, “Sculpting in Time” will be published in Macedonian language, with a careful translation from Russian and with editorial annotations, as the fourth book in the specialized Phil(m)osophy edition.
Still, your support will mean a lot to us. Our apology: we can’t repay you with anything more than a THANK YOU.